Orchard Nursing Home in Huyton is celebrating having received a positive report, following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which has rated the home as overall ‘GOOD’.
Orchard Nursing Home, which is part of the We Care Group, was inspected on 14th March 2023. The inspector looked at two key questions, was the service ‘safe’ and was it ‘well-led’
To consider the question of was the service ‘safe’ the inspector looked for evidence that people were protected from abuse and avoidance of harm. Within the report the inspector found that there was enough suitably skilled and experienced staff to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. Residents told inspectors that ‘They were treated well and felt safe.” There was also evidence that people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible in their best interests. The inspector rated this question ‘good’ which means that people were safe and protected from avoidable harm.
To consider the question of was the service ‘well-led’. The inspector found that there was a culture which encouraged candour and openness and honesty at all levels. They also felt there was good partnership working with others to make sure people received the care they needed.
During the inspection they spoke with residents and family members who were complementary about the manager, the staff and of the care provided who told them they “felt at ease raising any concerns and felt they would be listened to and acted upon.” Residents also told inspectors “I get good care, I’ve no complaints, I’d tell them if I had” and “I’m happy with everything.” Family members also told inspectors “They keep in touch about our loved one and include us in everything” and “If I’ve ever had any niggles they’ve listened and sorted it.” As a result the inspector was happy to rate this question as Good meaning the service was consistently managed and well-led. Leaders and the culture created and promoted high quality, person-centred care.
The ratings from the previous comprehensive inspection for Effective, Caring and Responsive key questions were not looked at during the inspection. The Ratings from the previous comprehensive inspection for those key questions were used in calculating the overall rating when how Effective and Caring the service was were both rated Good.
Angharad Williams, Manager at Orchard Nursing Care Home said “We are delighted with this report which is testament to the hard work and dedication of all the team.”
Bernie Suresparan, We Care Group, Executive Chairman said “We’re all very pleased to have received the recent CQC report for Orchard Nursing Home, rating them overall GOOD.” He continued “I would like to thank all the team for their hard work and commitment as well as congratulate them on such a good report.”
The We Care Group, which took over Orchard Nursing Home in July 2021, has been operating for 16 years and is building a good reputation in the local area as part of it’s drive to be care home provider of choice in the communities it serves. This Good CQC Report for Orchard Nursing Home further endorses that good reputation.