“If it’s not good enough for my mother, it’s not good enough for anyone.” Bernie Suresparan, Chief Executive Officer, We Care Group

Saltshouse Haven Resident becomes a Centenarian! Happy Birthday Vera

We Care Group - 1 May 2024

In a quiet corner of East Riding of Yorkshire, amidst the gentle hum of everyday life, a remarkable centenarian quietly celebrated a milestone that few are privileged to reach. Vera Radford, born on April 27th, 1924, marked her 100th birthday surrounded by warmth, memories, and the love of those who cherish her.

Vera’s journey through life is a testament to resilience, passion, and an unwavering spirit. From her early years as a budding gymnast, where the grace of her movements mirrored the boundless energy of youth, to her dedicated service in the fire brigade during the tumultuous years of World War Two, Vera’s life has been woven with threads of courage and compassion.

Following her service in the war, Vera embarked on a new chapter as a nursery nurse, nurturing the hearts and minds of children at a nursery in Holderness Road, Hull. Her love for the little ones knew no bounds, and her days were filled with laughter, stories, and the joy of watching young minds bloom.

Married to her beloved husband Ernest for half a century, Vera’s life was rich with love and companionship. While they were blessed with only one son, Michael, Vera’s maternal instincts extended far beyond her own family. Her home was always open, welcoming not just friends and neighbours but also countless children who found solace and warmth in her presence.

Vera’s bond with her neighbours was as sturdy as the plants she lovingly tended in her garden. Together, they shared not just gardening tips but also laughter, stories, and the simple pleasures of life. Vera’s hands were not just skilled in nurturing plants; they were also adept at fixing broken items brought to her by friends and neighbours, a testament to her resourcefulness and generosity.

As the years unfolded, Vera’s interests evolved, but her zest for life remained undiminished. She found solace in the pages of books, transitioning from reading to enjoying audio books as her eyesight dimmed with age. Knitting and sewing became cherished pastimes, each stitch a testament to her creativity and dexterity. Vera’s love for arts and crafts added vibrancy to her days, each creation a reflection of her vibrant spirit.

Reflecting on her century of life, Vera shares, “I’ve been blessed with a life filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Each day is a gift, and I’m grateful for every moment.”

Donna Lyons, the Care Home Manager at Salthouse Haven, part of the We Care Group, where Vera resides, reflects on Vera’s remarkable journey, saying, “Vera embodies the essence of resilience and grace. Her presence brightens our days, and her stories inspire us to embrace life with joy and gratitude. It’s an honour to be a part of her journey.”

As Vera’s 100th birthday celebrations come to a close, the echoes of her laughter and the warmth of her spirit linger in the air, a reminder that age is but a number and the true essence of life lies in the moments we share and the love we give. Here’s to Vera Radford, a centenarian whose life has been a beacon of hope, kindness, and unwavering strength. Cheers to a life well-lived and a legacy that will endure for generations to come.

Happy Birthday, Vera!

Vera received a very special Birthday Card from King Charles in celebration of her 100th year.

Vera loves to be visited at the home and welcomes people in with a lovely smile

A visit from the fire brigade for Vera's birthday was a special treat.

Such a beautiful cake to celebrate such a monumental occasion.

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