Old Gates Care Home in Blackburn is celebrating having received a glowing report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The team at Old Gates Care Home were delighted to have received an impressive CQC report that rated the home as ‘Good’ in all areas, demonstrating that the home is providing high standards of care for Residents, demonstrating that the home is Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsible, and Well-Led.
During the inspection, CQC spoke with a number of people who used the service as well as relatives about their experience of the care provided. Relatives spoke highly of the staff approach which was described as “Brilliant,” “Welcoming” “Very Kind” “Superb” and “Wonderful”. In addition, people who live in the home told inspectors “I feel safe, there is always someone here” and “I feel very safe”. They also told inspectors that they thought the staff knew them well. Relatives spoke to confirm that they felt that their loved one is safe in the home.”
As part of the inspection, CQC also spoke to a number of staff including the Regional Manager, Registered Manager, Clinical Service Manager, nursing assistants, carers, chef, housekeeping team, and Activity Co-ordinators. Staff felt supported by the Registered Manager saying “She’s very approachable and she’s always there for staff. I would never feel that I couldn’t talk to her, she is lovely. She is focused on resident experience.”
Staff knew their responsibilities well and spoke positively about working together as a team. One staff member told us, “Helen, the manager is really good and knows what she’s doing, she expects us to know what we’re doing too, she explains everything to us. I think she’s a very good manager, very approachable.”
Helen Holden, Manager at Old Gates Care Home said “We are delighted with this report which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all the team.”
Bernie Suresparan, We Care Group, Executive Chairman said “We’re all very pleased to have received the recent CQC report for Old Gates Care Home, rating them GOOD in all 5 areas.” He continued “I would like to thank all the team for their hard work and commitment as well as congratulate them on such an impressive report.”
The We Care Group, which took over Old Gates Care Home in April 2022, has been operating for 16 years and is building a good reputation in the local area as part of its drive to be care home provider of choice in the communities it serves. This glowing CQC Report for Old Gates Care Home further endorses that good reputation.