A Coronation Cake 'Fit for a King'
As part of the recent Coronation celebrations the We Care Group, which has 30 care homes
across the North of England, decided to hold a Coronation Cake Competition across all its
homes, for staff to enter in honour of King Charles and were delighted with the number of
entries and high standard of cakes produced.
The winning cake was made by Jason Collinson, Deputy Manager at Daleside Nursing
Home in Birkenhead and I’m sure everyone will agree that his three-tier cake is amazing and
definitely ‘fit for a King!’ Jason has won a prize of £500.
Jason said “I was amazed but pleased that my cake won the competition as there were so
many wonderful entries. My biggest fans, the residents, never doubted for a minute that my
entry would win and everyone enjoyed tucking in to it!”
Bernie Suresparan, We Care Group, Chief Executive Officer said “At We Care Group we are
working hard to build a good reputation in the communities we serve to not only be care
home provider of choice but also as an excellent employer that values and appreciates all its
staff and the hidden talents they possess.” He continued “This competition highlights how
our homes interact with each other and we have healthy competition between our homes.”
The We Care Group, which has been operating since 2007, has six care homes across the
Wirral peninsula. To find out more about living or working in one of our homes please visit:

Jason's Winning Masterpiece