In light of the humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine, residents and the team at Sowerby House Care Home, part of the We Care Group, had a ‘clear-out’ of their wardrobes to donate clothing to support refugees. Their donations were recently been delivered.
However, one resident, Elizabeth Manfield, was been particularly touched by the plight of the Ukrainian people and, at the right old age of 92 years young, decided to get her knitting needles and wool out to knit ‘Easter Chicks’ to raise much-needed funds for those affected by the conflict.
Elizabeth, who worked as a laboratory technician at Glaxo before retiring and volunteered at the local Oxfam shop where she was Treasurer, a position she held for some 20 years, has always been a keen knitter and with Easter quickly approaching thought-making ‘Easter Chicks’ would be a great way to raise much-needed funds.
The ‘Easter Chicks’, which contain a crème egg are on sale at the home at a cost of £2 / £5 each.
Elizabeth Manfield said, “I think the war in Ukraine is awful and I wanted to do my bit to show my support.” She continued “I love knitting and with Easter approaching it seemed appropriate to knit something bright and cheerful. I hope they raise lots of money for
Piriya Suresparan, Regional Manager, We Care Group said “Elizabeth is such a vibrant and active member of the community at Sowerby House, always getting involved in activities and events both in the home and the local community.” She continued “Elizabeth was keen to do ‘her bit’ to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and quickly came up with the idea of knitting the ‘Easter Chicks’ which have become very popular in the home
Lisa Beukes, Managing Director, We Care Group said “We are sorry to see Julie go but wish her well for a long, happy and much-deserved retirement. We would also like to thank her for the 35 years of dedication and commitment she has given Broadway Nursing Home.”