Person-Centred Digital Care Plans
At We Care Group we aim to deliver the best possible person-centred care to all our residents so that they can feel safe, happy and secure in our homes. To support our goal, our partnership with Care Vision digitalises our Care Plans and enhances all our current practices using their software.
What is the difference between a care plan and a digital care plan?
Digital systems are now more common in the health and social care sector, with digital care planning, auditing and medication administration records. Digital care planning allows care records to be made promptly allowing more time for our staff to be with residents instead of writing notes. Care Vision’s software enables care plans to be written in a person-centred manner and provides managers with all the information they need for governance in one place.
Why did we pick Care Vision?
As an organisation, we have been working on the digital transformation of our systems to keep up to date with innovation in the sector. We looked for best practices and software that would best support our team. In the past, we had other systems in place in our homes, those systems worked but once we saw all the capabilities of Care Vision, we realised they offer much more than just care planning.
As the system had been created by healthcare professionals Care Vision works in a way that others don’t. Care planning is well-rounded and intuitive in Care Vision, from enquiry right through to auditing and reporting, it has everything you need.
Sam Jacob, We Care Group’s Commercial Director explains: “Care vision, unlike other systems, can be tailored to the individuality of our services and specific residents’ needs allowing the homes to get a 360-degree picture of the residents.”
From a governance perspective, the reporting and auditing side of Care Vision is priceless. Reports are generated at the click of a button providing assurances and also allowing action to be taken where needed.
How a digital care plan helps the home and staff?
Care vision helps the home and our team by streamlining the process, speeding up the recording process and thus freeing time for the staff team to give back to the residents in the form of more meaningful interactions.
With Care Vision, we can record an enquiry, transfer the enquiry to a prepopulated admission assessment and then to a care plan.
The system offers a snapshot of everything that is happening in the home, providing oversight at the manager’s fingertips whilst reducing human error and increasing accuracy. Both the handset and the desktop version of Care Vision are user-friendly, and within minutes a detailed person-centred note can be written to evidence the care that has been provided. These digital notes are more detailed than handwritten ones due to the effectiveness and ease of Care Vision.
How the digital care plan benefits the residents?
It allows time to be given back to the residents. It enables person-centred care plans to be written and as the system has lots of prompts and reminders, it safeguards tasks being forgotten. Care Vision enables the resident to be at the centre of the care planning process and also involves real-time updates from the care team enabling the care plan to be an accurate representation of the resident’s needs and wishes.