Residents at Birkenhead Care Home Welcome some Exotic Pets
We Care Group - 20 November 2023

Residents at Daleside Nursing Home in Birkenhead, which is part of the We Care Group were delighted to welcome some wonderful exotic pets to the home when A-Z Safari paid them a visit.
The home is always looking for activities and events that they think will interest, delight and stimulate conversation for the residents and when they arranged a visit from A-Z Safari they weren’t disappointed!
Residents, staff and even relatives were delighted to welcome the animals to the home, which included snakes, parrots and lizards as well as a meerkat, or two.
To start with staff and residents were wary of some of the animals, but after quite a short time they were happily stroking them and happy to have the snakes draped around their necks. They were eager to find out a little bit more of the animals and a fabulous afternoon was enjoyed by everyone.
Chris Taverner, Manager at Daleside Nursing Home said, “It was a very therapeutic afternoon. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching the Residents overcoming their fears and apprehension to engage with animal therapy such as this.” She continued “Judging from the conversations after the event I think it’s a day that they won’t forget for a while.”

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