After the last 2 years of the pandemic, life in care homes is slowly starting to get back to some normality and residents at Sowerby House Care Home in Thirsk, part of the We Care Group, was delighted to welcome some ‘unusual’ visitors into their home.
Aquatic Finatic recently visited the home bringing with them a range of exotic pets from tarantulas, ferrets, snakes and even an owl. Residents had the opportunity to not only see the animals close up, and learn about the habitat but the brave had the opportunity to touch, hold and stroke the wonderful creatures.
Residents, family members and staff were delighted with the visitors.
Derek, a resident said, “I loved all the animals, it was the best part of my day!”
Judy, a family member said “An amazing, compassionate, young man, who brought so much joy and happiness to all who were there today. A ‘BIG’ thank you.”
Staff in the home also enjoyed a lovely afternoon “A fantastic afternoon, everyone enjoyed the exotic animals and some were even brave enough to hold the spider. It was amazing to see everyone’s faces light up with joy. I would recommend this to any care home. I hope to see them here again soon.”
Piriya Suresparan, Operations Manager, We Care Group said “It is lovely to be able to open our doors and welcome activities such as Aquatic Finatic back into our home.” She continued “Pets have been shown, not only to be great therapy but also a way to bring joy to people of all ages and the smiles on everyone’s faces speak for themselves.”